

At Hebden Royd we believe that Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject. Through the teaching of our Geography curriculum, we aim to develop a range of investigation and problem-solving skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas.  Children are encouraged to ask questions about the natural and human aspects of the world to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it.

We want children to enjoy and love learning about Geography by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom but also with the use of educational visits, visitors in school and field work.


Each class enjoy regular geography lessons which form part of a termly themes (approximately 6-8 hours per term). A cross-curricular approach ensures that pupils are immersed within a theme and this provides them with the opportunity to develop their geographical knowledge through a wide range of practical and engaging lessons. Geography learning begins in the Foundation Stage where pupils are taught about their personal geography. They develop observational skills and join in with discussions about their immediate environment.

In Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils continue to learn about their own locality and begin to make comparisons with other locations. There are opportunities for pupils to develop their geography skills through map work and fieldwork. This provides pupils with the chance to develop their observational and measuring skills as well as the recording of data. These skills are taught progressively throughout the school and build upon pupil’s prior knowledge.  Existing knowledge is checked at the beginning of each topic – What do I know? What have I learned, previously that will help me? This ensures that teaching is informed by the children’s starting points. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. At the end of each topic, key knowledge is reviewed by the children and checked by the teacher and consolidated, as necessary.

The local area is fully utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in our practice.


Through our geography curriculum we seek to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. The geography curriculum at Hebden Royd enables children to develop knowledge and skills that can and are used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

What have we been up to in Geography?